3 Pieces to Fulfillment

December 11th, 2023

Beyond any monetary gain, any title next to your name, and any material item, a life without fulfillment is a life lacking a reason for living. Fulfillment is not achieved by any material or status symbol, these are merely byproducts of pursuing passions and living a life that is fulfilled. What brings fulfillment to you will be different than what brings fulfillment to someone else but there are 3 groups in life that all lead to fulfillment in equal ways. All 3 of these groups must be prioritized. If one is neglected, if two are neglected, and if all three are neglected, you will feel a void inside. A void that can only be filled by the marriage of all three of these groups resulting in the unification of fulfillment in your life.

The first piece to fulfillment is a physical pursuit. Humanity is a mobile species. A mobile species made to move, made to be active and programmed to endure and outlast. Having physical activity and a physical pursuit being a part of your daily life is essential for finding the fulfillment you seek. What you determine your physical pursuit to be can be anything. It can be as intense as training for a 100-mile ultramarathon, climbing Mount Everest or it can be as simple as going for a walk outside. All that matters is you are doing something to move and challenge your body. All that matters is you are doing something to quench the biological thirst your human body feels to move. With movement comes one piece of the pie for fulfillment.

The second piece to fulfillment is a mental pursuit. The differentiating factor between humans and the rest of the living world is the mental capacity inside our brains. Without our brains, humans aren’t humans. A failure to challenge your brain on a daily basis places you on a path to irrelevancy. If you quit learning and quit pushing your mental capacity, you will never find the fulfillment you seek. A mental pursuit can be anything that requires cognitive effort. Reading, writing, starting a company, learning a new language, sudoku, making puzzles or Legos—the more deliberate mental focus and effort required, the better. The more you use your brain, the more fulfilled you will feel with each successive accomplishment of your efforts.

The last piece to fulfillment is in the spiritual world. This term is broad on purpose because it caters to the area of your life that excites you and that you cannot live without. This area of your life emits an aura that fills you with a reason for living. If that means your religious faith, then fill your life with your faith, and hone your spiritual side. If helping others and being there for family is something you are called to do spiritually, listen to the voice inside of you. If you interpret your spiritual side to be a hobby that combines either the physical or mental side, commit to these passions. The spiritual side and how you interpret it in your own life is meant to be up to your own interpretation but it’s meant to be followed. Without your spiritual side being utilized you will lack passion and purpose, and you will be missing the last piece of fulfillment.

A life worth living is a fulfilled life. If you feel you are missing something, assess the areas of your life where you spend, or don’t spend, your time. By following the physical, mental, and spiritual roads in your life, you will gather all of the pieces you need to live a fully fulfilled life.

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