
December 9th, 2023

Life doesn’t offer an equal split. For every input, there isn’t always an exact output. Every output can’t always be tied to one specific input. There isn’t always a one-to-one ratio that predicts what happens in life. The Pareto Principle, or the 80/20 rule, explains this idea. The 80/20 rule says that roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes. This means that the vast majority of outcomes observed are driven by a small subset of the causes responsible.

This principle can be applied nearly anywhere in life. From manufacturing, management, and human resources, outcomes can be boiled down to coming from 20% of the inputs. In a company, 80% of sales revenue could come from the efforts of 20% of the company. Whether that be the efforts of a few sales associates or the creative minds of a couple of members of the marketing team, the few can generate the many of the results.

Running is another field where the 80/20 principle is widely followed and adhered to in a similar way. The way many runners improve is by sticking to a workout split where roughly 80% of the workouts are run at a slower pace where the runner’s body is training at a lower heart rate so that they build their aerobic capacity. The other 20% of training is dedicated to speed workouts and progression runs where they go close to their race pace. This is slightly different than saying 20% of work determines 80% of the outcomes but in the world of running it’s a paradox that says you need to run slower to ultimately become faster when it comes to race day. Over the long run, a runner who sticks to the 80/20 split will become faster than the runner who runs every run like it is a race. The 80/20 principle remains true.

On a personal level, the 80/20 principle can also be applied. Time management is the most common use of this principle and generally says that 80% of your work-related output could be driven from only 20% of your time if you focus. The problem so many people encounter is they spread themselves too thin and end up wasting time because of a lack of focus. By recognizing this reality, they can plan their days to rapidly and dramatically increase their output, their 80%, so that they gain time back.

Applying the 80/20 principle to your life demands that you find focus in how you live. If you can focus energy on 20% of your time, you will be able to achieve 80% of the outcomes in your life. Life doesn’t follow a one-to-one ratio. Make the most of the 20% and the 80% will manifest in your life.

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