Ambition vs Entitlement

April 3rd, 2023

There are relatively few guarantees in life. Like how there are very few aspects of life we can completely control, what we are unequivocally entitled to is almost nonexistent. Having a sense of entitlement is a poison that if not controlled, can plague our inner being. Entitlement is the opposite of ambition and subtracts from who we should want to be as people. We are not entitled to success. We are not entitled to that expensive house. We are not entitled to that job. We are not entitled to that recognition. Entitlement, like feelings of complacency, plants the idea that what we have done is good enough and deserves some sort of abnormal treatment—deserved treatment. Instead of becoming entitled we should always push to be ambitious, to find continued and sustained purpose so that we keep going. We deserve almost nothing. We must earn almost everything. Ambition is how we earn and entitlement is where we think we deserve. Earn more and “deserve’ less.

Ambition is understanding there is more work to be done. There is always another mountain to climb. There is always another drop of improvement to be squeezed out of the towel. Ambition is utilizing passion and purpose to push to another level. Ambition is taking control of your own life to earn what you think you deserve. This push to earn is contrary to the ideas of entitlement where you feel that you deserve based on prior performance or dedication. The journey of earning through ambition will almost always outlast any path of “deserving” through a sense of entitlement. Ambition is a sort of obsession where we lean into the drive to succeed. When we are ambitious we attempt to control our outcome. We are in the driver's seat of our lives.

"Ambition is when you expect yourself to close the gap between what you have and what you want. Entitlement is when you expect others to close the gap between what you have and what you want.” —James Clear

Instead of expecting outcomes or certain treatments, we must choose to work until there is no other option except for the result we desire. By working hard enough we can create the outcomes we want, outcomes that cannot be denied. We will hardly ever be entitled to anything and we should instead always aim to earn what we seek. Having an earning mindset instead of feeling deserving always wins in the long run. Earn instead of deserve. Chase instead of request. Pursue instead of expect. Utilize ambition instead of entitlement.


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