Bigger than the Situation

October 18th, 2023

Stress and the negative feelings anxiety brings about can appear when you are overwhelmed. Something is happening in your world where you feel rattled. Something is happening where you have lost control. Something external to your conscious sense of self is causing you to feel abnormal and disrupted from your normal emotions. When you are letting stress, anxiety, and feelings of being overwhelmed consume you, you are letting the situation win. You are letting the chaos of the world around you win. You are not just letting it win, you are letting the situation consume you. When you are consumed by the circumstances around you, you are at your lowest. Your ego is supercharged to defend and your emotional response is running rampant. When the situation consumes you, you have lost. It’s a fight you will always lose.

If you begin to feel consumed by the situation you need to take the power back from the situation. You need to be bigger than the situation. In times of chaos, it’s important to zoom out, recenter yourself, and realize the true reality of the situation. Chaos is only chaos if you let it be chaos. Your emotions only get out of hand if you let them get out of hand. You need to control what you can control. By recentering yourself you are able to take strategically thought-out action and not give into your emotionally charged reactions. Action is required but the quality of your action is dictated by your emotional and physical reaction to the situation at hand. By zooming out you can “step outside and above” any situation. You become a spiritual onlooker who is looking down at the battlefield below. You are no longer affected by every individual act because you see the bigger picture. The bigger picture enables you to act accordingly, soundly, and with pure intentions in mind. You are no longer being controlled by the ego, stress, anxiety, or the situation.

Being bigger than the situation is a perspective that lets you realize and fully understand that chaos may be happening externally, but you are still in control of everything internally. You will not let external circumstances, situations, and actions dictate how you personally respond. The chaos may be happening outside and everywhere around you, but you’re in control of the moment. You are no longer rattled and suffering from overwhelming anxiety. You are in control of the moment, not the other way around.

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