Change is an Opportunity

May 22nd, 2023

People are scared of change. They are scared because change means things are different than how they used to be. People sometimes do not like when you change and find themselves missing the old you. People do not like moving because they miss their coffee shop, they miss their favorite restaurant, they miss the running path they ran on. People do not like breakups because it changes who in your life you are closest to. People do not like change because it is scary, it is a venture into the unknown, into something that is new. The opposite perspective is change is nothing to be scared of, it is something to be excited for and to be welcomed. Change is an opportunity. An opportunity we can make anything out of. Change offers us a reset, a new beginning, where we can mold it into our own.

A significant change in anyone’s life is moving. Whether it be going off to college, moving to your grandparent’s home elsewhere, moving in with your significant other, or traversing across the country for a new career opportunity, uprooting your life in one area to start anew is monumental. In this newness, there is bountiful opportunity. You are in a new place with a new feeling to it. You do not know what the best restaurants or coffee shops are so you must intentionally search for the one you like best. Change in this way presents you with countless opportunities to explore and test out in order to find what appeals to you. Living in a new place you probably left behind a number of friends from your last living situation. This provides you with ample opportunity to join clubs, and groups, or connect with your new neighbors to form those new relationships you are seeking. If you were scared of change you would wallow in the sadness that your new sports bar is not the same as the one you are used to and you would resist meeting new people because they are not the same friends as who you hung out with at your previous home.

Being scared of change is a normal perspective to have. Just because it is normal does not mean it needs to be the only perspective we should have. Everyone should recognize the opportunity change presents, beyond the initial fear there is immense potential. Moving is just one example for where change can materialize and showcase so many opportunities to pursue. Recognize the opportunity of change to move beyond internal resistance. Lean all the way into change and begin to craft the future of your life.


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