Commit Before Ready

November 29th, 2023

There is a game-changing philosophy that many people overlook in the world of achieving goals and building the life you want to live. People overlook the importance of committing before you are ready. Committing to a big goal before you are ready tells your mind, body, and soul, that you do intend to make a change. The commitment tells you that you are serious about beginning a metamorphic process to achieve what you want to achieve. The premature commitment brings you to the starting line for the journey you are going to walk.

Committing to a big goal before you are fully ready is setting yourself up to just start. But this idea is less about actually starting and more about the mindset and advantage you have when committing prematurely. If you wait until you have the perfect plan or until you’re physically and mentally prepared to start your journey, there will be countless days until the stars align where you feel comfortable beginning. Every day spent waiting is an extra day you will eventually have to work harder to become better. Committing to change is removing these days of limbo where you are actually getting worse. Committing to change removes the active inhibitor of days where you remain the same and by default, don’t move anywhere closer to your goals. The commitment to change starts the domino effect for every synapse of your neurons and every movement of your body. The change is no longer just an idea, it’s a seed germinating inside of you and ready to grow into a tree.

Many New Year’s resolutions fail not because people fail to be committed but because they spent the tail end of the previous year also actively opposing the change they wanted to make. Every day with a lack of commitment is a day where you fight the person you want to become. Instead of waiting for the New Year to come for you to commit to a new goal, commit earlier, commit prematurely— commit now. Latch onto that crazy idea in the back of your head and spend the rest of the year planning to make it a reality. By mentally committing you are telling yourself with your full intention that this change is a change you intend to make. By convincing yourself mentally, your body and actions will follow. Instead of spending the rest of the year planning to commit to a new goal, you will have started committing to a plan for a new goal. Instead of opposing who you want to become through inaction, your thoughts and subsequent actions will already start you on the journey to becoming who your individual identity is meant to be.

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