Compounded Devotion

October 3rd, 2023

In the world of finance, there is very little that is more powerful than the effects of compounding returns. Two scenarios show this principle to be true. Option 1 is to invest $83 a month ($1,000 a year) amount at the age of 20 and receive a 7.2 percent return until you are 70. Option 2 is to invest the same amount at the age of 30 and receive the same returns until retirement. Almost the same scenarios aside from the starting date. But option 1 clears option 2. Option 1 ends up with $465,000 and option 2 has $225,000. Compounding cash now is much more powerful than later on. The same can be said about the effort and commitment we operate our daily lives with. The effects of compounding devotion are severe, and severely beneficial to those who adhere to the equation.

The compounding devotion equation is very simple. It is X raised to the nth power or Xn . In the equation, “X” is your devotion. Your devotion is what you have found that is bigger than yourself and is what you have chosen to compound over very long periods of time. Whether it is a skill, craft, calling, or purpose, finding your devotion enables the compounded devotion equation to initiate. Without a devotion, there is no equation.

The “n” of the equation is much simpler. The “n” is the number of days you compound. It is little case in the equation because “X”, or your devotion, reigns supreme. But do not let its little case nature subtract from its importance. The “n” enables you to package your obsession into something that compounds. Since it is raised to the nth power, it is not simple multiplication, it is exponential. In real math, 2 x 3 equals 6. But 2 to the 3rd power (“n” = 3), equals 8 (2 x 2 x 2). Every day you add to the “n” value, has the enormous effect that compounding brings. Every day you fail to compound is not just 1 day (“n”) lost. It’s a day (“nth ”) where you realize an exponential loss and miss out on the potential for that exponential gain.

Once you have found something to devote your time to (“X”), it is your duty to nurture, extend, and protect your “n.” Every additional day you can compound the subject of your devotion has the potential to dramatically shape your world. By embracing what you are devoted to and accepting this to be a long-term play, you enable the compounding devotion equation to work its magic. The best time to start using this equation was 10 years ago, 20 years ago, or even 50 years ago! The next best time is today. Let the compounding effects appear.

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