
October 20th, 2023

You will not be good at everything. You will be much better at some things compared to others. Those around you will be better at some things compared to you and will be worse at others compared to you. Everyone has certain abilities. Everyone has certain disabilities. The abilities you have should be focused on whereas the disabilities you have should remain in the rearview mirror. No disability should define you nor should it be the focus of your life. Focusing on any particular disability is focusing on something you lack, something you aren’t good at, or something that prevents you from doing. It is a focus that pulls you into the negative. Instead, choose to focus on the abilities you do have. Focus on what you can do, the skills you possess, and what pushes you into action. A focus on an ability pushes you into the positive sphere of life.

A disability can relate to anything you have difficulty doing. Disabilities can relate to a disease, a sickness, or a lack of understanding or skill on how to do something. Disabilities can cover the whole spectrum of life because as humans, you will not be good at everything. What a disability should not do is define you. You are not defined by any particular disability. Whether that be a speech impediment, a lack of mobility, or just an inability to play a guitar. Disabilities are a reality of your life but they are not the only reality. Just because you lack proficiency in one aspect of life doesn’t mean it has to control your daily actions or your outlook on life.

Opt to switch perspectives and focus on your abilities. Instead of honing in on what you “can’t” do, live a life focusing on what you “can” do. Remove the “no” signals and increase the volume of “yes” signals. If knee surgery has prevented you from running on pavement, dive in the pool and become a master in that area. If you seem to have two left feet when playing sports but know how to sing, become the star of your theater production. Wherever there is a disability, there will be an ability and opportunity lying just around the corner.

Through a pursuit of ability, purpose can be found. You are no longer wading through darkness without guidance. The light at the end of the tunnel can be reached. You no longer let any inability control your emotions. You can circumvent any lacking in your life and lean into what you have an abundance of. The (dis)ability will fade into the background as all of the abilities continue to shine brighter.

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