Don’t Be Normal

October 30th, 2023

The sudden rush you feel when you jump in cold water is a rush you should find ways to implement in your life on a frequent basis. That rush, the second you hit the water is a rush that is forcing your entire being to escape the water. It’s a sudden unconscious reaction that is screaming at you to get out. It’s screaming that you’re unsafe. Make it past this initial reaction and you’ll find a state of calmness, focus, and dopamine surge that is hard to naturally come by. Jumping into cold water isn’t normal and neither is staying in long enough to remove the sense of fear. In doing the non-normal activities you elevate yourself to unlock further pieces of your character. Being normal confines you and boxes you in. Doing things differently and on a whim lets you live freely. Don’t be normal.

Intentionally pushing yourself out of your comfort zone is intentionally doing things to remind yourself that you’re not normal. The normal person would be comfortable going through the motions and repeating their days, weeks, months, and years. The non-normal person, the person you are, is a person who is constantly looking for further clarity, and enhancements and is always chipping away at something. The sudden rush of a non-normal activity is a rush that lasts beyond its sudden nature, it can shape and alter your life for the foreseeable future.

Wake up and run further than you ever have before. Stop boxing yourself into 3-mile training sessions. See what’s possible. See how far you can go. Don’t be normal.

Read a book from start to finish in its entirety. Start a task and finish it in one go. Bask in the realm the book takes you to as you pour over its text. Enjoy the feeling of seeing a task to completion. Don’t be normal.

Stop and say hello to strangers. Leave your phone in your pocket and ditch the headphones as you sit on the train. Make eye contact and enjoy the rush of completely random human interaction. Don’t be normal.

Book a random trip to a place you’ve wanted to go. Stop saying you’ll eventually do it, and actually do it. Enjoy the experience of learning a new culture and being in a new place. Don’t be normal.

Normalcy has a place in our lives because most of our lives will fall into the category of “normal.” In opting to break away from the normal routines we live we are immediately reminded that we are all special. We are all special in our own non-normal ways. It just takes the courage and conscious decision to be reminded. Through a dip into the non-normal, you can excel in your “normal” life. Don’t only be normal.

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