Don’t See Where It Goes

September 2nd, 2023

Life done with intention is different than life drifting through the currents. When you live a life with intention you have plans. You have goals. You have an end zone you want to reach. When you have intention you are able to naturally pivot, change course, and evolve so you continue progressing. When you are adrift, you let life take you where it wants to take you. Some days are slow and nothing meaningful happens. Other days are a storm where tumultuous action throws you from one event to the next. Either way, you are not in control when you just “see where it goes.”

There was a recent thought that applied specifically to dating. It said when you choose to avoid “seeing where it goes” with someone, you avoid temporary relationships. Question marks are avoided when you decide to date with intention. By not allowing yourself to just “see where it goes” you either have people commit and step up because they desire authenticity, they desire a relationship, and they desire you. OR you see people quickly fall away due to fears of commitment and living with intention. While this thought came from the dating world, the idea of intentionality versus seeing where it goes applies anywhere in life.

If you have a dream you hope to achieve, living in intentionality is how you hone in on the steps you need to fulfill in order to reach it. You can map out your daily schedule, you can create check-in points to assess progress, and you can create a plan. When you are seeing where it goes, that dream will probably always remain a dream. You can have some days of dedicated focus and with it, progress, but then the next day you find yourself just drifting through life—unbothered about what it takes to turn your dream into a reality.

Seeing where it goes is an admission to yourself that you do not care about the outcome. You are willingly choosing to give up your control of the situation in favor of letting the situation control you. When a situation controls you, you have already lost. The inability to be intentional is oftentimes rooted in a fear of being wrong or failing. Because once you are intentional, your path is in your hands. Instead, people hide behind the idea that they will just “see what happens.” That way, if it doesn’t happen, they do not feel blame for the outcome. The outcome was already determined and not by them.

What is scarier to you? Letting your life control you or controlling your life and falling short? Which do you prefer? Seeing what happens or controlling the success you find?

Intentionality gives you personal responsibility but can also guide you toward unlimited potential. Potential you will never reach if you just drift through life. Don’t see where it goes, create your outcome.

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