Endurance on The Journey

November 13th, 2023

In shaping discussions and perceptions on how you travel through life the discussion of the journey you follow is paramount. Anything you set your sights on and want to one day achieve involves a process or a plan for how to realize the goal. This journey involves much more than following a plan. This journey involves crafting endurance. Without endurance, anything you do in life will be short-lived or ultimately unrealized. People who expect life to be easy and for success to happen overnight lack a sense of endurance. Having endurance is possessing the ability to chip away, day by day, with the hope and belief that everything you are doing will eventually compound and cause a breakthrough in your life. Endurance is as instrumental to life’s journey as having a plan and attacking consistently. Endurance enables you to keep chipping away. Endurance lets you sustain any development. Endurance makes you continue.

When people think of endurance their minds typically jump to the physical world of endurance sports. The world of running, cycling, and swimming is filled with events that test a human’s ability to endure. It’s through the miles and effort required over sustained periods in events such as a marathon, ultramarathon or Iron Man are where people enable their minds to circumvent the feelings of physical fatigue to push onwards and finish. They enable their endurance to let them push through. But endurance applies to all walks of life, not only the world of endurance sports. Your professional career, building a family, cultivating healthy relationships and marriage, having and raising children, and starting and scaling a business are all areas of life requiring endurance to be successful. These are all areas of life that take long periods and require endurance to aid you. Without endurance, you won’t achieve what you want to achieve, you will slowly sputter and fail. You will drop out of the “race” you’re in.

The plan and inspiration for what you want to do is what leads you to the journey. Having endurance is what keeps you on the journey and keeps you committed to achieving over the long run. Endurance is patience. Endurance is consistency. Endurance is letting the work you do compound over long periods of time. Following a path of endurance is adhering to life’s wisdom that things don’t just happen, they happen because you make them happen and you make them happen by committing to the journey and enduring the process. Endurance is the outcome that results from being wise enough to endure life’s process. Accept that things will not come instantly and prepare yourself to change and achieve over time as you continue to endure.

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