Extreme Effort

December 23rd, 2023

Doing the normal amount won’t propel your life to a different place. Doing the normal amount can be how you steadily progress through life but won’t prompt any sudden change. “Normal” doesn’t suddenly awaken the creative spirit. “Normal” doesn’t cause a seismic shift in your mindset. “Normal” doesn’t awaken the warrior inside your body. If you commit to “normal” your life will only ever be “normal.”

There is nothing wrong with a “normal” life but there is an undeniable fact that every single person alive has a different version inside of them waiting to be awoken. This other version only exists on the otherwise of the wormhole of extreme effort. Pushing yourself to the extreme, physically and mentally, is how you reach the doors of who you can be, find out what you’re capable of, and ultimately, who you really are. Traversing to find the extremes you can go to is an unforgiving path but is the most rewarding journey life has to offer. You are reborn after going to the extremes. No, you aren’t reborn, you are finally born when you embrace the extremes and realize who you are.

Extreme effort is most easily found in the physical world. Taking on a physical challenge that will not only require your intended and perceived maximum effort but your absolute total effort. Physical challenges that require you go to the dark place in your mind and the pain cave. Once in the pain cave, the only options are to succumb to its pressures or emerge stronger than previously ever thought possible. While choosing to continue in the pain cave your body, mind, and soul, will undergo a metamorphic change and your extreme effort will be realized, and you will have finally been born.

Without extreme effort in your life, you will fail to uncover the foundation of what you are really made of. You have innate potential inside of you waiting to be unlocked. Without engulfing yourself in the flames of extreme effort this potential will never be realized. In any moment of extreme effort, the hurt, the pain, and the flames of the effort may feel like they are breaking you apart. It may feel like you are being broken into a million pieces. It may feel like you will never recover unless you quit and put out the flames. These feelings mean you are on the right path. Suddenly and without warning these feelings will dissipate and a feeling of enlightenment will wash over you. Instead of drowning in the depths of the pain, you will be dramatically soaring above the clouds like a phoenix who has risen from the ashes. Extreme effort is the breakthrough that unlocks everything.

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