Father’s Day

June 18th, 2023

I am blessed and proud to say the men around me in my life have made me who I am today. I have had the lucky opportunity to have both of my grandfathers alive and near me as I grew up. Hearing their wisdom and perspectives, hearing their stories, and feeling the way they love has had a huge impact on what I want to be as I age. I have had countless Coaches and mentors who have helped me understand life principles and been there for me when I was not with my family. These are all great men who have all had great impacts on me. None of these relationships have impacted me the way my own Father has.

My Father is my hero. As a child, I grew up wanting to be a superhero and idolized athletes like Derek Jeter, Peyton Manning, and Tom Brady. Being older now it is apparent who I wanted to be like was always in my life. Him, my Father. My Father taught and continues to teach me and my brothers how to be respectable men. He shows us through his faith, his words, and noticeably or not, his actions. He models how a husband should be there for his wife and the relationship they should have. He has displayed through my entire life the ability to provide for his family but more importantly, be there for his family. He has had countless long travel days to make it home, he has sacrificed for his family. Family time matters to him, it is important, it is a pillar of his life. With any sporting event, if he was not actively coaching the team, he was doing his best to make sure he was present and watching. With any event in my life, school, anything, he supported the same way. My Father has remained an active and present figure in the lives of all of his children.

My father was, and continues, to be a benchmark for me. I remember racing to the car after football practice against him trying my best to beat him. The day of finally beating him was a huge moment for him. “Dad strength” is real. He still has superhuman results on the bike and in the pool, results I cannot come close to reaching. Above all else, him having the ability to compete and play outside with us for our entire lives has been a core memory for me. There is nothing quite like coming home and playing catch with my Dad. It takes me back to my childhood and I am eternally grateful anytime this opportunity presents itself.

My father helped me live out my dreams without making it about him. My actions were my choices, he just helped support me. He wanted me to succeed but never made my success the determining factor for his feelings. He loves enduringly and unconditionally. He has done this with all of his children. He prays, helps any way he can, and provides his input, but never makes it about himself. He knows it is our own lives and our own passions, abilities, and pursuits. He just wants us to do what we love and he loves us for it.

Father’s Day is a reminder to love the Father figures in your life. Like Mother’s Day, it is not the only day they should be recognized. Respect and love for the people who have made you who you are should be a daily occurrence. Father’s Day is simply an excuse to make it obvious. I have tried to summarize a lifetime of love in 600 words. Above all else, my Father is my role model. My Father is who I look up to. My Father is my hero.

We love you Dad!


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