Find an Alter Ego

March 11th, 2023

Kobe Bryant had the Black Mamba, David Goggins has Goggins, Clark Kent has Superman, and so many others have a “different” personality they embody when they need to conquer points in life. Alter egos can help us convince our minds we are somebody else in order to level up and achieve. Similar to identifying with personal identifiers, developing an alter ego can also facilitate personal changes until we are one and the same with our previously created alter ego.

Kobe would become the Black Mamba, a “killer,” when the games he played in came to crunch time. He had a steel-willed determination and drive to not let the moment seem bigger than it was. He created the persona of the Black Mamba at the low point of his career when he was dealing with off-the-court issues. The Black Mamba became how he handled all his business on the court. The Black Mamba in the wild is synonymous with being

David Goggins turns into “Goggins” when his workouts or physical endeavors become too much for David to endure. He would lose the “David” and become simply “Goggins,” someone who wanted and craved pain to be used as fuel to push forward. When Goggins emerged, there was nothing that would break his mind. Every ounce of suffering was cherished and used to strengthen his soul.

Clark Kent has perhaps the most famous alter ego of all. As soon as he took his glasses off and unbuttoned his button-down, the S of his suit would emerge and he would use his superpowers to save the day.

All of these alter egos involve a person becoming a different version of themself known for a focused set of strengths or skills. The Black Mamba is an extremely hard-working version of Kobe Bryant whom he was known as. Goggins and what David Goggins does when he is Goggins is what he is known for. Without Superman, Clark Kent would have been any other 9-5 employee.

In our own lives, we can choose to convince ourselves we have an alter ego when life gets tough. Our alter ego should be limitless. Our weaknesses are our alter egos’ strengths. Our insecurities are their bodes of confidence. We can convince ourselves we are people who endure, embrace darkness, and keep going. We can convince ourselves when life gets difficult the best of us can emerge. The human brain is fickle and when we convince ourselves, that is generally what the rest of our body follows. At the same time, the more time we spend with our alter ego, the more likely we are to become that person. What starts as a dissociation from ourselves actually ends up undergoing a reaction where our alter ego becomes one again, who we are. What starts as an imaginary piece of us becomes who we are. It does not take superpowers to change, it just takes sustained effort and decisions to convince the mind. Put on a mask and become your personal version of the hero you want to be.


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