Find Your Obsession

August 23rd, 2023

Imagine a world where every basic need is met. There is no need to find shelter, food, or water. Energy is universal for all. Even money is taken out of the equation. All needs for living were solved. What is something you would want to spend your time doing? Not for a short amount of time. What is something you could do over and over again? This something would be your obsession. If you have an answer, think of the current situation in your life. How often are you able to follow this obsession? If you have true obsession about something, find ways to implement it into your life. The obsession is where the magic happens.

Moving away from the imaginary world where every basic need is met, how many people do you think are currently leading lives where they are doing the thing they would respond to the above question? The answer is sadly, not many. People spend their lives doing work and living lives to get by. We live in a society where chasing obsession is not the default path. The default path is being a cog in the societal wheel that wakes up, works, goes home, and repeats. For the select few who are actively following lives of obsession, magic follows their paths.

Obsession is not found instantly. Like finding a purpose, obsession can take years to find. It takes a thousand “yes’s” until you find the one thing that you say “no” to everything else for. Obsession has to be found. It does not just appear. Obsession shines through curiosity. What are you curious about to a level that would bore other people? Follow your curiosity and see if it turns into obsession. If it doesn’t, move on and continue the search. You must deliberately search for it in a maniacal manner until it is completely obvious to you. You will feel the obsession in your soul when you find it.

Excitement will always be a better motivator than discipline. Discipline is a state of mind that can deteriorate. The people who seem to have the most exceptional work ethics are not only disciplined. They are people with genuine interests and curiosity in the work they are doing. These interests and curiosity is obsession. Excitement is what causes you to jump out of bed in the morning, not discipline. Excitement is the never-ending source of energy that keeps you obsessed. Find your excitement to then follow obsession in order to create the magic.

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