Find Your Superpower

September 14th, 2023

Batman, Superman, and Spiderman are three of the most famous superheroes in existence. These characters and many more have captured the minds, attention, and imaginations of people around the world for decades. Many of the biggest blockbuster movies that hit the big screens today are based on either the Marvel or DC Universes and the superheroes and villains that exist in these realms. People are fascinated with the idea of superpowers. Powers like super speed, x-ray vision, the ability to fly, and super strength are dreamed about by many. In a world where Batman, Superman, and Spiderman are not real and in a world where superpowers, as they have, are imaginary, we can still find and utilize our own superpowers to propel us forward in life.

Individually your superpower can be anything you want it to be. Your “superpower” can lead you to find your purpose and help you follow your passion or it can just be something you think you are good at. If you love cooking and know how to make people happy through the food you create, your power may be the power of culinary arts. Through using this power you can help realize your passion of not only baking and cooking but also of bringing joy and happiness out of those around you. Your passion may be to cook but your purpose may be to bring people positive emotions and you realize this through using your superpower.

You can also find a superpower if you feel you do not have one. In the television show My Hero Academia, not everyone has “quirks” (their superpowers) but the main character is able to “find” his. In real life, you can find your superpower even if you feel you are not naturally gifted at something. When you find your superpower in this way, you can focus on crafting a power that sets you up to be a hero in your life. For example, you can choose to be meticulously consistent. That becomes your power. You think in the big picture and recognize that by chipping away at your goals, day by day, your power of consistency will make you become the “hero” you want to be. Through using your power of consistency, you slowly become the person you want to be and lead the life you want to live. Your power may have been created and not natural, but it is a superpower nonetheless.

The heroes we see on television and in movies do not exist. Their powers are not known in the natural world. We can dream all we want but we will not wake up with the ability to turn invisible. What we can do is create and lean into an individual superpower we resonate with. This power can turn us into an individual hero. We just need to find the power and use it.

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