Follow Passion

April 5th, 2023

Passion cannot be faked nor can it be easily described, it must be felt. Any attempt to fake is easily discernible and passion branches beyond any one definition. It is a primal urge to do. It is a deep feeling which resonates from within. Passion is abstract in the sense there is no one thing that prompts it, but we know when we have it. Passion is the driving force for countless tangible innovations, improvements, or growth attempts. In the pursuit of happiness, passion is what we seek to lead us to where we want to be. Following passion gives us purpose and a purpose gives us a reason to continue. Lean into passion when it is found.

Passion is found by experience. It is found by putting ourselves out into the world. By engaging in different activities and by finding what energizes us. This energization is what we are seeking. What wakes us up in the morning? What keeps us up at night with racing thoughts about how we can be better? What do we obsess over? Answering these questions will help us lean further into our passion. As we learn what drives us forward we can continue to hone in on these activities and people and choose to make them central parts of our lives. Passion provides us with reason to act and turns our actions into a canvas for improvement. Passion helps sustain relationships because there is the desire to work to make sure they are healthy. The purpose we receive from following our passions seeps into other aspects of our lives. With passion, we are fulfilled.

Without passion we are directionless. Without passion, we are stuck in limbo and uncertainty. Each day has us questioning what we are meant to do, who we are meant to do it with, and what we are working for— or towards. Life without passion is equivalent to living life on autopilot. We are not in control and are seemingly using our time with no decisive rhyme or reason. Life without passion is scary but life without passion is entirely probable. Depending on our current situations, if we are going through any transitions, if we feel we are going through the motions, if we just have a rough couple of weeks, passion can seem to dissipate from our inner beings. Lack of passion is temporary but in this temporary period, we are more easily able to pursue new ventures, new relationships, and new ideas— all in the attempt to find the sparkle of passion. This is the paradox of passion. Sometimes it takes its absence to find what we are really passionate about.

Finding a purpose in life is a human experience we all seek. Purpose is found through the passions we cultivate in our time on Earth. By following passion, we enable ourselves to find the purpose we seek.


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