
July 4th, 2023

Freedom is a feeling not everyone has but is a feeling everyone deserves. Freedom is a right and is a right that gives people a reason for life. People have not always had a born right to freedom. History details countless empires with slave labor and imposing dictators. We are blessed to be born in an age of democracy and societal acceptance where we are able to live lives we want to. We can pursue our passions, love who we want to love, and work to build lives we want to build. Freedom in society is an expected right, but it takes time to create individual freedom in your own life.

Individual freedom is created by individual structure. This is a paradox. The people with the most free time are actually people who are the most diligent with rationing their time. They are not the people who have nothing to do. The people who have nothing to do are lost in the nothingness, they are lost getting nothing done. They are slaves to procrastinating and not starting. They are slaves to having so much to do they do nothing. The people with structure know exactly what they need to be doing and act. They block off time and set goals so they know how and when to spend their time. With this framework they do not worry about procrastination or not starting, they have a plan and execute. Utilize structure to find more freedom.

Freedom is found through sacrifice. Freedom is won by saying no. By saying no to invitations, commitments, and other events that constrain your time, more individual freedom is achieved. By saying no, you are able to further curate your days to be spent doing what is best for your time. You are not in debt to anyone else and their expectation for how you should use your own time. The sacrifice is turning down opportunities you may enjoy, but the reward is the freedom you seek.

Living a free life is a human right, but creating the life of freedom you desire is not a one-stop event. Manifesting the freedom you desire takes a commitment to pursuing what you want in life with the hopes it will be able to support you and your family. The pursuit of happiness is a real phenomenon and is possible because of the freedom we have. Be thankful for the freedom you do have while continuing to carve out more. Freedom takes structure. Freedom takes sacrifice. Freedom takes a commitment to being free.


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