Give Yourself Feedback

December 15th, 2023

Feedback is a gift. The best friends are the most honest friends. Both of these statements are equally true. Without feedback you can be left wondering where you stand compared to others and compared to where you want to be. The more trigger points of feedback you can implement into your life, the more adaptable and programmed you will be to continue to iterate and ultimately, improve. Without feedback, you are running through the game of life in the dark with no lantern. You cannot see the path forward, you must slow down to almost a crawl and feel around, desperately searching for where to continue stepping. Feedback is the kerosene you desperately need to ignite your light and expand the visibility of the paths of light.

Feedback from others is important. It helps you realize when you are biased and helps bring other brains into the equation. It’s also important to look in the mirror and be honest with yourself. When you remove your ego and view yourself and where you stand in a black-and-white perspective, you are able to realize truths about where you are.

When you can remove your ego and effectively look at yourself in the mirror for proper feedback, you unlock one of the most important skills to cultivate making immediate changes in your life. The importance of giving yourself feedback is that it removes the time, attention, and care of others. It makes feedback more direct and more immediate. Giving yourself feedback doesn’t remove the absolute need for feedback from others, both are very important, but when you can give yourself feedback immediately, you can operate and iterate at a much faster pace.

This idea is less of a discussion of how you look in the mirror and more of the importance of doing so. You are the only person living your life. You are the only person who knows every thought, detail, idea, and action of your own life. Receiving feedback only from others holds you back. Combining individual feedback from yourself with feedback from others is the path to leveling up in your life.

Don’t wait for the doctor to tell you that you need to change your physical habits to be healthier. Be honest with yourself and change now. Remove the time needed before you change.

Don’t wait for your significant other to beg you to be more present. Be honest with your actions in your relationship and change now. Remove the desperation of the important person in your life before you change.

Don’t wait for budget cuts to happen before you change your company’s strategy. Be honest based on the data in front of you and change now. Remove the need for a worst-case scenario to happen before you change.

Individual feedback can, and should, be taken in any realm of your life. From your physical health to your relationships, to your career, remove the need for outside sources telling you how to change by being honest with yourself. Feedback is a gift. Give this gift to yourself.

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