Go One More

October 17th, 2023

“Go one more.” Three words, three syllables, and nine letters. Such a short and simple phrase, yet it features the power to change the trajectory of anyone’s life who adheres to it. Initially the idea of going one more is action based. You can run one more mile. You can read one more page in your book. You can do one more rep in the lift you are doing. You can make one more sales call. These actions are you committing to doing one more than you previously set out to do. These actions inherently compound as you continually do one more than is expected. The repetition of “go one more” and the actions taken are what get the pinwheel for change moving.

When “go one more” is treated like a set of repeated actions you will naturally find compounded success and improvement. As you continue to choose to “go one more,” you are immersing yourself in an increased amount of repetitions. These repetitions lead to increased ability, skill, and production. But actions and doing the work alone don’t guarantee or reward you with any outcome. Just because you are working harder through the practice of “go one more” doesn’t mean you deserve any particular outcome. Without clarity and an intentional focus on the outcome, “Go one more” fails to reach the peak of its possibilities.

The further evolution of this mantra is that “go one more” is more than a set of actions, it is the focus on the outcome. Understanding it’s a focus on the outcome switches from independent, repeatable actions, to actions that are intertwined and fully focused on the end goal. This different perspective helps you be intentional and strategic in how you move forward. You can find clarity on the what, why, and how of your actions. Without an understanding or clarity of these 3 you are just doing— you lack the intentionality and thoughtful plan to effectively find meaningful progress. When you are just doing, you are hoping and wishing your actions pay off. Focusing on the outcome eliminates the hope and entrusts you to be an active participant in driving the outcome you desire.

Go one more is not just an action, it’s an outcome. “Go one more” works best if you have precise clarity on the outcome. This clarity turns your hope for an outcome into an expected outcome through your deliberate practice of going one more. By working on the right things and spending the time to be efficient on the what, why, and how, you will facilitate the maximum potential of “go one more” in your life.

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