Goal Focused

August 20th, 2023

Harnessing the power of goal creation and goal pursuing is a move to giving life purpose. When goals are at the light at the end of the tunnel, it is easier to find actions that move the needle forward. Goals and different life pursuits give reason to continue even on days where continuing is the last thing on Earth you want to do. Being goal and pursuit-focused can help take the emotion out of these decisions. You have a goal so you have to act. You have a pursuit so you have to act. If you fail to act, you do not achieve. With a singular focus on achieving, if you do not act, you will fail.

“When you’re a person that always has a goal, that always has a mission, the less time you have to think about ‘How do I feel today? Am I depressed today? Do I feel sorry for myself? Have I become a victim? Oh my god, I feel so bad about myself. No, I don’t have time for this crap. A lot of times people don’t work enough. If you’re busy all the time, you don’t have time to think about this stuff.” - Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger was one of the most goal-focused and committed people there have been. He was obsessed with being the best. He was obsessed with succeeding in any field he put himself in. He was obsessed with pursuing and finding ways to hone in on what he wanted to achieve. His commitment and focus led him to fully invest on the mission. With an all-in mentality, there was no time for him to get emotional on days when he did not feel like working. The emotion disappears when you are goal-focused and all-in on your pursuits. You either do the work or you do not.

Goals and pursuits are not meant to be emotion-filled activities. They are meant to be guiding lights for how you want to traverse through life. Without them, you can be lost adrift. By taking emotion out of the equation you do not give room for you to feel sorry for yourself. You do not give yourself room to say, “I can just do it tomorrow.” You do not give yourself the ability to say, “The weather is poor, I will wait until it is sunny.” When you are absolutely goal and pursuit focused, you live in a yes and no spectrum. You live with a black-and-white tint on life. You live in the acceptance of either doing or not doing. There is no median, you are either all in or all out.


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