Have Fun With It

May 7th, 2023

Life is meant to be enjoyed, it is meant to be fun. We are meant to experience with others and pursue activities that fill us with joy. Not everything in life needs to be serious at all hours of the day. We should also be able to find enjoyment and fun in our lives even when we are serious. There is a paradox where all seriousness is not fun, all fun isn’t serious, but sometimes we can be serious and have fun. We should want to live in this sometimes and find ways to be productive while also squeezing out as much joy as possible. Whoever has the most fun in this way wins.

As a supporter or companion, some of the best moments are when those around us are visibly having a great time. When smiles and laughs fill the room, the ambiance of the environment is special. In relation to sports, some of the biggest superstars are known for having the biggest smiles. Their smiles and attitudes are reflected in how they seem to play. They play with a visually effortless feel and the fun style just shines off of them. They never seem to tense up, their actions are fluid and precise, like they are dancing. They just seem to have fun with it, regardless of how serious the task at hand is.

The most serious people are almost never the happiest. At the same time, being serious your whole life does not guarantee success in your pursuits. Staying at the office 80 hours a week and barely spending time with your family does not guarantee you will be financially successful. I would actually say it probably guarantees that daily happiness fades away. There must be fun in life. There must be time to take a break and be with those who bring you joy. There must be time to take a break and do what brings you joy. You cannot take your material possessions with you when you are gone, chase the experiences and secure joy while you can.

There is a saying that if you do what you love, you never work another day in your life. I do not believe this statement is entirely true, but I do believe that the luckiest people are those who love what they do for a profession, for a calling, or for their life. These people are able to pour all of their energy into something they believe in, love, or just enjoy. All of this focused energy has a high chance to dictate positive results. However, not everyone loves what they do. Many people wake up and are miserable as they trudge off to the office. They deal with miserable people and work a job they hate. I believe this negative energy has significant effects on the minds and bodies of those who endure these situations. In these cases, there must be a fight, a deliberate choice, to stack the cards in your favor and pursue what you enjoy. Life is too short to be stuck in an unhappy situation. Find a way to just have fun with it.


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