
June 22nd, 2023

Honesty is the best policy. It is a well-known saying but it is a saying backed by the truth, literately. Being honest with yourself, your relationships, and the situations you find yourself in, all tend to lead to better results in the long run. Being honest is also better for your internal emotions. You do not have to worry about a lie being found out. For good or for bad, the truth has already been aired out loud. Cement honesty as a foundational part of who you are and let life push you in the right direction.

Honesty is similar to trust, it takes a long time to be earned and can instantly be thrown away. Telling your parents you did, or did not, do something and being found out as a liar is a quick way to have lots of freedoms taken away. Extrapolate this example out to more grown-up situations and it still holds true. If you are known as an honest person, there is never a doubt with your word. You are a person of high character if you have a commitment to honesty.

Would you rather continue with a relationship you feel is fading or have the adult conversation and move on? Honesty is the determining factor.

Would you rather keep living the same routine with your friends or move on to different activities? Honesty is the determining factor.

Would you rather live behind a lie or find choose to accept responsibility and move on? Honesty is the determining factor.

Being honest is not always easy but it is the decision which holds the highest upside. When you are honest you do not have to show up when you do not want to. You do not have to pretend and hide behind a veil of your true emotions. You are able to say no freely and you are able to say yes freely. You can freely pursue the life and events you want to. A lot of the stress we encounter in our lives comes from simply not being ourselves, from being dishonest with our desires.

Life tends to reward honesty. Any bad situation you find yourself in is easier when the truth is told when compared to a situation where a lie is later found. Following your internal honesty points you toward where your life should go. By being honest with yourself, you can lead a life following your individual truth. Honesty is the best policy. Live the truth. Embody your truth. Become your truth.


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