I’m Stuck

December 7th, 2023

You wake up and seem to repeat the same day you had yesterday, and the day before. You go through your normal routine and habits you have found your life falling into. You have no sense of difference between your days. If you didn’t have a calendar in front of you telling you today was Saturday, you would hardly know the difference. You have ideas pop into your mind and disappear as fast as they appear, falling into the void of irrelevancy. Nothing seems to excite you enough to prompt action and even when something catches your attention you find yourself falling back on your couch and getting comfortable. You are stuck. You are stuck in the pattern of what your life has become. You are stuck with the feeling that you aren’t accomplishing what you want to and you are stuck with feeling empty inside. You are stuck without pursuits or a purpose. You are stuck.

It’s okay to have feelings that you are stuck. Life is long and life isn’t always filled with periods of accomplishment or feelings of extreme success. But being stuck should be a temporary situation. Being stuck should be a momentary place in your life that begins to feel more and more uncomfortable the longer you are in this position. The “comfort” of being stuck should begin to feel like a nagging itch you can’t quite scratch. When being stuck is a temporary condition, you hit the ground running when you find something to finally pull you off the couch and back into a life you are excited to live.

Becoming unstuck requires rapid change resulting from rapid action. You may be stuck because you have spent so much time pondering about ideas that no action is ever done. Remove the unnecessary pondering about your next move and just start. Jump-start your life by diving into something.

Do things outside of your comfort zone. If your life has become a perpetual cycle of routine where every day is the same, do anything to switch it up. If you take the bus to work, bike one day. Experience the awe of seeing the same drive you make every day from a new perspective. If you are an incessant reader who can’t put a book down, stop exploring someone else’s world and start creating your own by picking up a pen and paper and seeing where your stream of consciousness goes. If you are bored in your career, dedicate more time to that passion idea you have never quite given a second thought to. Build it and grow it until it becomes your career. Stop doing the same thing day after day.

Becoming unstuck requires the realization you are stuck. It requires you to honestly assess where you are in life so you not only understand but accept that your life needs to change. Through the change you allow yourself to make you will start to slowly chip away at the chains holding you captive until suddenly, and rapidly, you break free and begin to live a life filled with curiosity, passion, and excitement again.

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