If It’s Meant to Be…

September 18th, 2023

Every individual on Earth has their own life. With each life, they have their individual quests, passions, purposes, actions, and relationships. Everyone is different. Everyone has their own networks of interactions and personal changes in life. With every unique occurrence in anyone’s life, there are outcomes and questions resulting. Life has stresses and reasons to wonder about the path and journey you are on. As we navigate trials and tribulations that life throws our way, we can adopt a perspective to recenter us and keep us level-headed. If it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be. Otherwise, life will respond and show us a new way. When one door closes, another one opens. The paths of life are all-encompassing and flow regardless of our intended intervention.

With any big decision you find yourself debating in your life, stress will only make the decision harder. Accepting that life will guide you where you need to be can help alleviate this stress. If you do not know if moving across the country for a new job is the right decision, give yourself up to the perspective of following the paths of life. The journey can be the best thing you have ever done, a failure, or a regret over never acting. Do not let the fear of the unknown hold you back from making a decision. If it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be. If it isn’t, life will tell you and you will be able to move on to something new.

A move across the country is a serious life change but the area where this perspective is most relevant is in the relationship world. Not everyone you enter a relationship with is your life partner. It is a fact that all relationships will either end at some point, or you will be with them for the rest of your life. Those are the only 2 options. Either a break or forever. Relationships are meant to be fun. They are not meant to be toxic, stressful, or problematic. They are not always smooth sailing but if you find yourself fighting a one-sided battle a majority of the time, you should reevaluate what you are fighting for. You should evaluate if who you are fighting for is worth it. Instead of stressing, accept that if the relationship is meant to be, it will be. Otherwise, it won’t. If it isn’t, you will have to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and move on. Where one door closes, another one opens.

Utilizing the “If it is meant to be” philosophy does not mean you are giving up control over your life. You are still in the driver’s seat. You just remove yourself from stressing out about situations that are not in your complete control. You remove the fear of the unknown because you know your choices will be right, or proof to move on to something else. The paths of life operate no matter what. When one door closes, another one opens. If it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be…

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