Imitate then Innovate

October 10th, 2023

Almost nothing in life is a completely new idea. The stories authors write draw themselves from prior works already published. The heroes’ journey in movies follows the structure countless films have already sent to the big screen. When a seemingly new idea has been formed, they often draw their inspiration and power from something already created and then innovate based on the preceding premise. People imitate what they like. People imitate to learn. People imitate to innovate. Through the imitation, new plants are sprouted. These new plants grow into the pillars of new creative pieces, influential developments, and enhanced skill impressions. The path from imitation to innovation is where differentiation and evolution occur.

One of Gatorade’s most famous advertisement campaigns involved Michael Jordan and had the slogan “Be like Mike.” It followed Michael Jordan as he played basketball and had a soundtrack in the back singing the words, “I want to be like Mike.” The advertisement suggests that if you drink Gatorade, you can be like Mike. You could imitate Michael Jordan, who at the time was the best basketball player in the world. Michael Jordan was a cultural icon whom people around the world idolized and tried to imitate. From people lining up out of the door to purchase the Jordan 1 shoes to practicing game-winning shots in your driveway, he was larger than life and served as a subject of inspiration for many.

Even with so many people looking to imitate him, Michael Jordan himself started his basketball journey as an imitator. He learned how to play basketball from his older brother Larry, whom he idolized. Michael followed Larry’s moves through imitation. He superseded far beyond what Larry could do through his innovation. Michael Jordan imitated until he had the power, creativity, ability, and drive to innovate and evolve. Through this innovation and evolution, Michael Jordan became one of the best basketball players of all time.

In your personal life, you can stop trying to be brand new and look for inspiration to first imitate. If you want more success, you should find someone who is successful and dissect their habits. Learn what makes them click. Learn what makes their days work for them. Then implement their habits. Try out, test, and see what works for you. Imitate first, then innovate based on your preference. Humans are creatures of imitation. Imitate enough and your innovation will come.

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