
March 24th, 2023

Inspiration appears anywhere and can come from everything. By shutting ourselves off to outside knowledge, material, conversation, and connections we are drastically removing stimuli from which inspiration can materialize. We should crave new knowledge and demand opportunities to experience new bits of conversation or information. Our minds are made up of the thoughts and memories of our own experiences, by expanding outwards we are able to bring in the minds of everyone else we connect with. Inspiration is not simply an internal pursuit, it is an externally facing shared experience.

By seeking inspiration we are seeking connection. We are seeking and finding value. We find people we want to mold our lives after. People we want to be like. We find information that changes our perspective. Information that gives us reason to prod further and do more.

The light-bulb moment that is inspiration is a feeling that drives us forward. It gives us purpose and a reason to continue. Inspiration gives us something to reach for and something we want to achieve. It gives us an internal feeling of unification that we are pursuing something we believe in and want to achieve. Without inspiration our ideas can run dry and our motivation can falter. There are no bounds to where inspiration can, and does, come from. Inspiration can come from anywhere at any time. What is inspiration to one can be looked over by another. Inspiration is that specific individual feeling caused by an outside source. We find something and feel pulled to achieve.

The passage in a book that speaks to you differently.

The way an athlete plays their game in an awe-inspiring and effortless way.

The speech that instills purpose in what you want to achieve.

The song lyric that seems to connect exactly with what you are going through in your life.

The movie that shows a story similar to yours and gives you a happy ending to aim for.

The way the light shines through the leaves as the sun rises.

The scene in nature that gives you artistic expression.

The conversation that gave you belief in what you were doing and the path you are on.

The lesson of the hardships endured by those who came before you.

Inspiration is everywhere. We just need to open our eyes, ears, and minds to go look.


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