Invisible Improvements

May 28th, 2023

When any goal or dream is created, the desired outcome is to achieve and to accomplish. To reach the end of each particular journey there are countless steps that must be taken. Countless steps where challenges are presented, where doubt creeps in, but steps that must be conquered in order to achieve. Along the way, growth can feel stagnant. It can feel invisible. The growth can seem no different than yesterday or the day before from an outside perspective. It can feel nonexistent. Trust yourself and trust your process. Taking steps each day, day by day, compound, and ultimately lead to a breakthrough. The improvements may seem invisible to you, but they are absolutely there and are waiting to break free and showcase themselves.

Along these journeys, wins come early and easily when first starting out. When starting to run, the visible differences and improvements made in the first month will stand out much more than what happens in months 3 to 4. When learning to play a new sport or musical instrument, the same phenomenon happens. Rapid improvement to start and then the rate at which visible improvements appear diminishes. Visible improvement is not constant and gives way to its much more powerful counterpart, the invisible. For the invisible improvements to make their metamorphic change into the visible, a lifestyle needs to be cultivated where lasting wins are promoted.

The lifestyle that must be adopted for any long-term goal or dream is one of consistency. A lifestyle that embraces the day-to-day action, but does not get bogged down by a failure to see visible improvements when viewed through the same scope. This lifestyle has a core value that what is done today may not necessarily change tomorrow but it will change one month from now, or even one year from now. Applying the same perspective but flipped backward, what is done today may be no different than what was done yesterday, but rewind a month ago and see a massive difference, move back a year, and be even more astounded with the progress that has been made. It is very easy for the day-by-day improvement to be invisible to your eyes. To the eyes of others and to the eyes of time, they are more easily seen.

Invisible improvements don’t only make the visible improvements more apparent, they are the improvements that change lives. Work in the invisible to uncover the visible improvements that are undeniably apparent as you push to achieve your goals and fulfill your dreams. Be invisible to become visible.


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