It’s Never Too Late

December 16th, 2023

People describe themselves negatively in absolute terms. Instead of saying they “could” become something, people box themselves into the self-limiting terms that they “can’t” become or accomplish something. Your mind dictates your emotions, actions, and perception of the world. If you place these self-inhibiting and self-confining blinders on yourself, you will only remain where you are. You will prove yourself right when you say you “can’t.” Telling yourself you “can’t” makes it true. But it’s never too late. It’s never too late to make a difference in your life, to make a change, to quit saying “can’t” and to start saying “could,” “will,” or “can.” The only time it’s too late is when the thought of “can’t” in your mind becomes the only thought in your mind. Before that point, anything is possible.

When you run a marathon and talk about it with people, it is common for the other person to say, “Wow, that’s amazing I could never. I can’t run that far.” People seemingly place the limiting belief upon themselves automatically. They do it in a way to congratulate you by putting you on a pedestal but inherently in doing so, they sacrifice their image of themselves. They box themselves into the idea that they cannot do something.

When you run, you see the world in a different perspective. Running a marathon isn’t a one-day event. It’s weeks and months of preparation that lead you to finally complete the distance on race day. People who say they “can’t” fail to understand and realize what they are capable of. Anyone can become a runner. If you can put 2 feet in front of the other, you can run. No matter where your base is, if you continue to practice, and stay committed, your running ability will follow a near-total linear progression. Instead of telling yourself you “can’t” run a marathon, tell yourself you can. That journey to becoming a reality is a matter of starting and committing to a process to help you achieve.

Running has so many metaphors for life. Through working hard, and committing to a process, running lets you determine your future outcomes. It just takes a matter of switching your mindset and perspective from saying you “can’t” to saying you “could,” “will,” or “can.” Running a marathon was the example used but any example could have been used to show it’s never too late to change your perspective and mindset. Any change you want to make in your life or anything you aspire to accomplish starts with changing your mindset and opening yourself up to the possibilities of what can be done. It’s never too late.

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