It’s Niche

December 6th, 2023

To be the best you can be at something people tell you to focus. People tell you to narrow your focus and the horizon in which you view the world. People try and box you into doing one or a few things in order to bring the best out of you. They think you will be better able to focus and better able to perform at the highest level when your attention is singular in nature. People think when you find a niche you can make a home in that niche and carve out a life for yourself. People think it’s in the niche that you find your way, that you find success, and that you evolve to live your best life. Find a niche and find your purpose they say. Find a niche and find your new crowd, your new tribe, they say. Find a niche and win they say. Don’t, and struggle to find your footing in life they say.

Finding a niche works for many people. If you want to be a copywriter, finding a specific area of business you can focus on will help you land sales clients. In the world of creating a personal brand or a personal business the niche you select can, and most likely will, be very helpful for you establishing yourself. But a niche inherently boxes you in. Pick too narrow of a niche and you’ll be unable to branch out without severely altering what you have already built. Pick too narrow of a niche and you’ll find yourself unable to express interests in other areas of life without worrying about what the people in your niche will think. A niche may be helpful for some to start but long term, your niche can feel more like a trap than a home.

A “niche” in this context spans beyond a personal brand or personal business. A niche can be anything you are interested in and any goal you have. You can have a bucket list of many items you are working to achieve. Carve out specific times and have specific plans for each so you can attack them. It’s in the multidimensional approach that you’ll never be bored, you’ll never be trapped, and you’ll always have a problem to solve or a new level to reach. Expand your interests and let your ideas flow.

You are a human. You aren’t an animal that is stuck with present thoughts, unable to think abstractly. You are capable of every single thought and capable of exploring every single interest and idea you have. A niche confines you when your brain wants to spread its wings and explore every rabbit hole. Follow your interests without confining yourself to the first area that draws your attention. Your interests and ideas will change over time. Let them. Follow the niche of life, learning, and passion, not any one specific subject.

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