Just Do Something

February 6th, 2023

Over the last two days, I have explored topics surrounding goal setting. Two days ago I spoke about my belief in setting goals that are challenging. Yesterday I spoke about celebrating the small wins along the journey. Today I want to continue exploring this topic with the idea that you should just do something. Inspiration for today’s topic comes from a podcast I listened to over the weekend where the hosts spoke about the mentality and perspective changes resulting from participating in the “75 Hard” Challenge.

75 Hard is a challenge where participants perform the following on a daily basis for 75 days: pick a diet and stick to it, no cheats and no alcohol, read 10 pages of a non-fiction book, drink a gallon of water, take a progress picture, and perform two 45 minute workouts with one of them being outside. If you miss a rule, you start over. It is a daunting challenge and is one I have not attempted. The hosts of the podcast spoke about the benefits they have achieved both physically and mentally from completing this challenge.

They also had a main message about the fact that not everyone needs to try this task but they should do something. This something could be anything. It could be reading 1 book, running 1 mile a day for a week, waking up to watch the sunrise for a week, it could be literally anything you do not normally do in your daily life. Their point was that a ton of people have seemingly not accomplished anything on a personal level in a long time. The more I think about their words, the more I agree with them. I believe we live in an age where less and less people aim to challenge themselves and grow.

Doing something sets you on a path to do something else and continue to celebrate small wins. These small wins have the increased ability to turn into larger and more difficult pursuits. In chasing those more difficult pursuits, you will grow more as a person than you ever would have if you remained stagnant in your daily life. Doing something has the potential to lead you down a path that could be life-changing.

I want to be a part of the group of people who move in the opposite direction of the norm. The direction which continues to grow and evolve on a quest for further personal fulfillment. I am hopeful my writing and thoughts prompt you as the reader to see new perspectives, and then challenge yourself in some way. I do not view myself as superior because I am the one behind the keyboard. I recognize my faults and inconsistencies and aim to change for the better. I personally am motivated by what I publish because it is a public reminder to live by what my words say. Just do something.

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