Lie to Liar

December 27th, 2023

Honesty is a pillar for relationships and a foundation for maintaining a connection with others. Through a commitment to honesty comes a feeling of trust and with trust comes a closer connection and an increased relationship with the other person. Without trust, you will fail to delve deeper than a surface-level relationship. Without honesty, there will never be full trust. Honesty is paramount to relationships with others but the most important and fundamental form of honesty is being honest with yourself. If you lie and fail to have a habit of honesty with others, you undoubtedly lie to yourself. You don’t only lie, you are a liar. Your habits of being dishonest mold your characteristics from the action of lying to possessing the defining feature of being a “liar.” If you are a liar, look inward first to find the truth and be honest with yourself. When you’re honest with yourself, giving others the truth becomes much easier.

Lying to yourself is a coping mechanism and a way you attempt to trick yourself into believing fallacies that aren’t true. You look at a reflection and tell yourself that you don’t need to lose any weight and that you are in the exact shape you want to be. If you have to convince yourself of this “truth,” then it probably isn’t true. You are lying to yourself. If you find yourself digging through drawers and cupboards, and scouring your kitchen for a spare bottle, you can tell yourself you are just having one more drink. If you have to rationalize that you tore apart the kitchen for one more drink, that “truth” probably isn’t true. You are lying to yourself.

When you are too scared to accept and see the truth, you lie to yourself. You lie to yourself when you don’t want to believe the reality you find yourself in. You lie to yourself when you’re uncomfortable with who you are. You lie to yourself and then you lie to others. When you lie, you become a liar. Every lie you tell yourself further distances you from the path of honesty.

Even if you are currently a liar, lying to yourself, this isn’t a permanent status. You can change. You can let the light of honesty illuminate the road ahead of you. You can allow yourself to accept the truth in front of you instead of running from it. Instead of hiding from your flaws with lies and being scared to acknowledge where you can improve, you can lean into the truth. By allowing yourself to be honest and truthful with yourself, these same actions will permeate to the relationships in your life. Being honest with yourself is the bridge that allows you to be honest with others. Lies may have caused you to be a liar, but the truth will set you free from these constraints.

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