Life Splits

August 24th, 2023

The pattern life follows is not one of everlasting flow. There are countless changes, iterations, transitions, and breaks that occur during the time every one of us spends on Earth. Some of these splits are splits we would have never predicted happening, but they happen. For one reason or another, the partnership, relationship, or agreement breaks down and the two sides go their separate ways. These splits are a sort of transition in their own right. Before they were together, after they were apart. Splits in life, just like any sort of transition will happen, whether we want them to or not.

The idea of a split is a scary proposition. It is taking what is known, and has been known, and casting it to the side. A split naturally means what is known can be no more. Splits are scary because the path forward is uncharted. It is unknown where your path will take you after the split. The only known is you will no longer be together with what was previously known. With this fear is the idea that splitting up could be wrong. The grass is not always greener on the other side. Some splits do not end up being the best decision for people to make. This is part of the unknown and adds to the weight of the decision. By avoiding a split you are staying with what is comfortable. In this comfort, you can find yourself continuing to go through the motions hoping something changes, while also avoiding the “fear” of taking the leap to split. But if you avoid the leap, you may always wonder “what could have been.” The only way to know is to take the leap.

Think of Tom Brady leaving the New England Patriots after 20 seasons. Most people assumed he would never leave. He did. He went to Tampa Bay and won a Super Bowl in his first season with the team. This split worked out for Tom. He took the leap. Tom Brady’s split is similar to other business splits for agreements breaking down. A CEO leaving the company after scaling it. A long-standing partnership breaks down after a new competitor emerges. A boy band breaking up to launch solo careers. These are all business decisions aimed at finding the right path forward.

His split is also similar to any personal relationship. When people thought of the Patriots, they thought of Tom Brady, Bill Belichick, and Robert Kraft. Three people with a relationship that defined an era. This relationship broke up. On a personal level when a relationship splits up, sometimes time is the defining factor. Nothing has to have been done “wrong,” time just ran its course. Sometimes the spark goes out and the split is the only option to proceed. Their relationship faded after 20 seasons. They moved on. They split up.

Splits in life are going to happen. They are going to happen in the most unexpected places with the most unexpected relationships. On a personal level, you can either take the leap and embrace the unknown of life after a split, or try and stay with what is known. To leap or not to leap. To split or to remain. That is what you have to decide.

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