There is No Easy Way Out

January 30th, 2023

We live in a society where hard work is avoided. The most popular diets are “5 easy ways to lose 15 pounds,” the most popular workouts are “Abs in 7 minutes,” and the most popular keys to wealth are “3 steps to make you rich.” These examples may be hyperboles but as you read them I am sure you will not think they are false. These types of products are very common in our society. The reality is, if it were easy, everyone would do it. If it was easy, no one would be overweight and out of shape, everyone would look like Greek gods, and poverty would not exist. The click-bait tactics of these “solutions” must be recognized as inefficient, there is no easy way out.

I recently heard on a podcast that we live in a society that encourages and rewards simply showing up. The saying, “Half of the battle is simply showing up” was used and completely disagreed with. The podcasters believed it was insane how our society rewards just showing up. They discussed an example where one of their children’s youth sporting leagues had larger trophies for the participants than the winner. Rewarding simply showing up goes hand in hand with the “quick fix” hacks we see constantly promoted. No one wants to do the work but they want to be rewarded for simply showing up.

The saying above was not a new saying to me and is one I honestly supported. I do believe a part of the battle is showing up because if you don’t show up, the work cannot be done. The easiest comparison I can make is with going to the gym. I need to get in my car and drive to the gym in order to lift weights. If I don’t, weights will not be lifted. However, simply arriving at the gym does not mean the work will get done by itself— I need to do more than just show my face at the establishment. “Showing up” can be applied to nearly every pursuit. Showing up does not do the work, but it is a requirement to do the work. One is a requirement for the other and it does not go both ways.

Shortcuts will only get you so far. I believe over a long time period the shortcuts will emerge and the person who actually put in the work will be seen as the one with clear advantages. There are no shortcuts to becoming fit, to learning new skills or tasks, to finding life-changing wealth. All of these practices take months if not years to fully realize. A majority of the time simply showing up will not get you the results you seek. Simply showing up is a start and should be treated as such. Show up, then embrace the hard journey ahead, there is no easy way out.

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