On Love

April 26th, 2023

Love is an ultimate emotion. Love is an emotion that commands. Love controls decisions and changes the course of lives. With love, there is absolute meaning in your life. You have a reason why. You have someone who you can commit your mind, being, soul and effort. With love, your hardships become easier, you no longer have to endure alone. Love unifies your place on Earth with someone who wants to be by your side. Love is capable of sparking an eternal flame inside of you. Love gives you someone who makes you care more about their well-being than your own. Love makes the world a better place because it makes individuals more whole. Humans are not meant to be alone, they are meant to love and be together. Be it with your family, friends, or partner, share and embrace love. The more love in the world, the better.

Not everyone grows up with love around them. People come from all walks of life and unfortunately, love is not a permanent resident everywhere you go. Love is a feeling that when present is obvious and when lacking, is equally as obvious. Being loved is special. Loving someone is special. Love is to be cherished, not to be expected or guaranteed. If you are in love or have grown up with love all around you, appreciate how lucky you are.

Unless you are deliberate in noticing love, love can be looked over, regardless of its magnitude and importance. If you are used to being loved every day it becomes normal. It can become a feeling of habit. Sometimes it loses its luster because of its constant presence. For some, it may take love disappearing to notice any change. Don’t let the love in your life falter because of feelings of complacency. Cherish love.

Being in love has changed my life. Love has made me grow as a man. Love has given me my why and reasons to push onward. Love has changed the experiences I enjoy. Love has changed who I want to experience the world with. Love has changed how I view my memories. Love has made me put myself second in my own life. Love has given me trials to overcome. Love has broken me. Love has hurt me. Love has made me forget it only to come back even stronger. Love makes me realize I would do it all again to be where I am today. Love makes it all worth it.


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