People Do Nothing

June 8th, 2023

If you accomplish tasks or work towards a goal on a frequent basis, you are in the minority of the population. So many people go about their days and accomplish nothing meaningful. They do the same routine day in and day out. There is no change to their lives and there is no push to learn, no push to grow, no push to uncover and discover. They are sedentary in their thinking habits which probably translates to them being sedentary in their physical habits. Too many people are okay with repeating yesterday, again and again. Do not fall into this trap, push to do something—anything, and be different than the norm of society.

Reality can be harsh but reality cannot be escaped. Many people wake up, follow the same morning routine, go to work, come home from work, and follow the same evening routine as always. That evening routine could be cracking open a beverage, making dinner, and watching television. Over the course of that day, that person seemingly accomplished nothing for themselves. They went to work because they had to go to work to get paid. They are most likely not choosing to go to their job for their own joy. They came home and relapsed into what was comfortable because it was easiest. They may have “accomplished” watching two more episodes in their television series but is that really the only accomplishment they should hang their hat on? They think to themselves, “Today I watched two more episodes!” Then off to bed they go and begin the path to repeating the same schedule tomorrow.

The depicted schedule is of course a generalization, but there are many people who lead similar lives. These people get bogged down in simply passing the days, weeks, and months. They get lost in the fact that they are leading their own lives. They succumb to being comfortable and living easily because that is what passes the time. It is never too late to realize your habits and choose to change. If you have not read a book in years, find one that is interesting and read 5 pages a day. If you struggle to stay active, go for a walk around the block when you get home from work. These deliberate choices will compound and through the actions, you have a new habit to be proud of.

For something to be done and accomplished it does not need to be a life-altering event, it just needs to be something you are deliberately working towards. You are pushing yourself out of your normal comfort zone to seek, to pursue, to achieve. When so many people do nothing, doing something, anything, will make you not only stand out but feel better about the rest of your life. Stop doing nothing, and do something.

Is this the life you want?


or to participate.