People Judge

June 29th, 2023

Human minds have the capacity for abstract thought. Abstract and internal thoughts are what has made humans evolve to the top of the food chain. We do not only have primitive survivalist thoughts. We have the ability to follow patterns, symbols, and make abstract opinions. We can create languages and stories and talk about our feelings. With the ability to abstract, humans have the ability to judge others. People judge because they can. People judge because they want to form their own opinions about someone else. People judge because they cannot help it. Judging merges survivalist instinct with abstract opinion-making. It bridges the ancient thoughts of “is that safe” with the new age thoughts asking “why?”

People judge in the now. They judge in the present based on what is in front of them. Someone else’s judgment of you is nothing more than an opinion. An opinion that does not tell the whole story. An opinion they created in their own mind about you. They lack the context to fully prove that judgment as right. You alone know the context. You alone know the full story. You alone know if that judgment is based in truth or based in fiction.

People judging are most likely not judging what you could become. They have gathered their facts and placed judgment on you in the present. As the judged, it is your duty to not let one comment, one mean assessment, or one critique stop you from trying. The judger does not know your potential. They simply know your current position. That tells them nothing about what is to come in the future. You alone are in control of transitioning from your current situation to a future situation where your potential is realized. Disregard any judgment if it is not constructive. If it does not aid you in your pursuit it will only hurt you. Move on from the judgment and never think of it again or use it as fuel for your fire. Forget and use it to forge the path forward. Never let it stop you.

Judgment from others cannot be avoided. Judgment is a human experience morphing primal reactions with abstract responses. Judgment can either hurt or be used to improve. If judgment is not constructive, do not let it stop you from acting. Focus on getting better and improving. Focus on realizing your potential. Judgment is only an opinion until you prove it right, or wrong. Prove it right by staying the same but prove it wrong by continuing to act.


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