Potential Energy

May 2nd, 2023

Potential energy is the energy an object holds based on its position relative to other objects. Potential energy is stored within waiting to be released. Kinetic energy is the energy of motion. The natural flow of energy is transitioning from stored to in motion. From at rest to in action. Life is a perpetual push to take what is stored and realize it into actual progress, real action. Everyone has potential and everyone has capabilities to realize their particular potential.

The easiest explanation for what potential energy is occurs on a rollercoaster. As the rollercoaster climbs to the peak, the potential energy builds. It builds and builds until the rollercoaster sits at the top. Then almost instantaneously, everything stored inside flips into kinetic energy as the descent begins. Acceleration and the speed of motion occur as the rollercoaster realizes its potential and finds the energy of motion. The higher the initial climb, the more potential energy is stored and the more subsequent kinetic energy is found.

Life in itself is a rollercoaster. There are ups and downs. There are periods of building and climbing and period of riding the wave and moving. In our own lives, we should seek to build with potential and find ways to release our potential as we move through life. By building upon our potential we set ourselves up for the inevitable breakthrough. Each day of leaning into our potential, every brick that is stacked, we are getting closer and closer to becoming who we are meant to be.

It is important to mention that realizing our potential is not an instant process. No artist woke up one day and had the ability of Da Vinci. No athlete woke up one day and had the ability to be a professional. No writer woke up and had the ability to create a best-selling book. It takes years of honing potential to evolve where we want to be. It takes years of honing potential to be great in what we want to do. It takes commitment. We all have innate potential, we just need to commit to going on the journey to find it. From potential to kinetic, from building to releasing, from thought to action, the journey of moving from within to releasing, is one we are all capable of. By building on our potential, we get closer and closer to our goals. Start with our potential and end with an explosion of kinetic motion, through action and achievement.


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