Presence in the Present

October 4th, 2023

The bustling lives humans live prompt them to get stuck moving from one thing to the next. Always on the go. Always on the go to the point where relaxing and doing nothing cannot even be enjoyable because the next day, they have to start their days all over again. One step, one activity, one chore, one task, after the other. Constantly moving. This constant movement can inhibit us from appreciating what is currently going on in the present. This is a fallacy because we never live in the future or the past. We only live in the present yet the lives humans oftentimes live promote a lack of appreciation for the present moment. It is always how fast you can get something done to move on to the next or how much time you have until you have to do the next thing. Next is seemingly always the focal point, not the current. Possessing a presence in the present moment is a key characteristic for people who lead fulfilling lives. Absorb and appreciate where you are now, so you can build towards the place you want to be in the future. It all starts now, in the present, not in what’s next.

It is a hypothesis that human society’s trend towards digitalization and constant connection (smartphones in pockets) combined with society’s rat-wheel working mentality is what is leading people to put the present moment in the rearview mirror. These features of society promote a bustling and restless nature many people that inhibits people from pausing to appreciate where they are today.

It is very easy to appreciate the present moment but it must be a deliberate choice. One of the easiest ways is to step outside into nature. Do all of this with your phone left at home or in your pocket with the notifications turned off. Remove yourself from the bustling work life you live. Go on a hike, walk along a trail, pause to look at the flowers and trees, and if you’re lucky you’ll spot some wildlife. Focusing on each step of the path, breathing fresh air, and absorbing the sun’s rays when you venture outdoors is a nearly instantaneous way to launch your body, spirit, and mind into the present moment. Sit back, and enjoy it.

Your mind will go blank with awe and appreciation for how lucky you are to be where you are. You will be in the present. You will find the present, that having a presence in the present brings. You will not be worried about the past, you will not be anxious about the future, you will be. You will be, present.

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