Rent is Due

July 17th, 2023

There are many issues in your life that you are the root problem for. You are the reason for not being as successful as you want to be. You are the reason for not being in shape like you want to be. There are obviously extenuating circumstances that contribute to your result in life but you are the underlying, determining factor. You are the reason you are or are not where you want to be in life. With nearly every misfortune, string of bad luck, or setback, you either had a hand in causing it or are able to spend extra effort on creating a solution. The solutions are possible but rent is due.

Rent being due in your living arrangement is typically a once-a-month occurrence. You work so you can afford to pay your bills, your rent included. Once a month, that check is due. That check provides you another month of having a roof over your head. Another month to work and keep going. With solving issues in your life, rent is not due once a month, it is due every day.

If you are lacking the business success you desire, changes can be made each day to improve your situation. You can commit to more customer outreach, increase your volume and see what happens to your results. You can change your strategy, and deploy A/B tests to see the differences in responses you receive. Experiment, adapt, iterate, change. You are in control of your situation and are the creator of your own solutions. You need to take control and make the rent payments. Make the payments with your time, effort, and intention to improve and the problems will ultimately find their solutions.

If you desire a change in your physical fitness you can make changes every day. If you do no cardio, start going for an afternoon or evening walk. The steps you take will add up to make a difference. If you do not go to the gym to lift weights, find a budget solution and start going three times a week. From nothing to three times a week, the differences you will see in your body will be immense. No matter what physical change you desire making, it will not be an instant change. It will be a change that takes time. It will be a change that requires rent payment. Rent payment that is due by changing the habits that run your life.

Business and physical fitness have been the focus for this perspective but rent can be due in anything in your life. Any change or commitment want to make requires a sort of payment. They all require rent money. Change your habits, and change how you use your time in order to appease your landowner. Rent is due.

An image my roommates would send when Rent was due. Rent is always due in life.


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