Rule of 3

August 30th, 2023

In trying something new there will always be difficulties. There will be challenges, setbacks, and feelings of uncertainty. These cannot be avoided. Doubt and negative feelings can emerge when things are not going the way you want them to go. There will be feelings that prompt you to question why you are doing what you are doing. There is a formula that can help you characterize your feelings. This is the Rule of 3.

Sports leagues that have playoff series operate in the “best of” format. All series lengths are an odd amount of games. There are best of 3 series, best of 5, and best of 7 series. The reason they use odd numbers as the base is so a majority can be formed. The push to a majority is what leads to a series winner. Once you won the majority game, you advance as the series winner.

The Rule of 3, or Rule of Odd Numbers, operates in the same way as these series. If you go to a meeting for a club one time and you enjoy it, that is a vote for a positive set of opinions. If you go a second time and have a worse experience, that is a vote for a negative set of opinions. Since you have only gone two times, an even amount, there is no majority over which set of opinions is right. If you focus on the last time you went, you will have recency bias. If your last time was a poor visit, you are less likely to go again even though your first visit was a great time. If your last time was better than your first time, you are more likely to use that as a basis to go again. By implementing the rule of 3, you will disregard recency bias. You will give yourself another chance to decide if you like going to the club. This “series of 3” can be used to determine your opinion on the event going forward.

This idea can be used with anything. It can be used with trying new foods, new exercises, new hobbies, dates, and whatever else comes to mind. Pushing for a majority outcome in sets of opinions helps give you closure, or reassurance, that you feel the way you do for the right reasons. Without finding this majority, you can be left wondering if you are making the right decision. Live with an appreciation for odd numbers and aim for a majority. Follow the Rule of 3. Follow the Rule of Odd Numbers.

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