
November 11th, 2023

There is a certain respect automatically given to and fully deserved for someone who has sacrificed for the benefit of others. People who are so selfless in their own lives that they willingly choose to support the greater good even when that greater good doesn’t have their individual best interest in mind. People who live lives filled with individual sacrifice are people who understand the perspective that the most fulfilling acts are acts that protect the interests of others. The life you live has undoubtedly been created because of the sacrifices of your parents, their parents, and the generations before them. This level of individual sacrifice has compounded to present you with every opportunity you have in front of you. Every level of individual sacrifice you have made has helped present your family and those around you with the opportunities they now seek.

Sacrifice cannot be overlooked when discussing the evolution of the human race. Sacrifice cannot be overlooked when discussing humanity’s traversal through time. Sacrificing now so your family can live a better life in the future is a fundamental pillar of how humanity has continued to improve with each generation. What’s given up now pays dividends in the future.

The combined individual sacrifice of the men and women in the armed forces is one of the more powerful examples. Think of the men who stormed the beaches of Normandy and gave the ultimate sacrifice. D-Day has gone down in history as a pivotal day and a turning point in the battle against the evil ideology of Nazi Germany. These men stormed the beaches of Normandy knowing they would be running directly into an onslaught of machine-gun fire. They did so because they knew if they didn’t, the lives of their families could be harmed by the hands of fascism. They sacrificed so the men, women, and children at home could continue living lives of freedom. There are too many examples to list of the different types of sacrifice soldiers have endured so that the people at home can continue living the lives they live.

Sacrifice is not specific to serving in the military. A single mom working 2 jobs to put food on the table for her family. A Dad switching careers so his wife can pursue her passion. A child giving his friend a toy for Christmas because he didn’t receive any gifts. Sacrifice can be anywhere.

A world filled with sacrifice is a world filled with compassion. Deploying sacrifice into your life fills your mind with the perspective that helping others is more important than any singular individual luxury you may have. The world is a better place when sacrifice is not only appreciated but observed and followed. A sacrifice today builds a better tomorrow.

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