Schedule Time

September 3rd, 2023

Time is the singular asset we are unable to obtain more of. There are 24 hours in each day. There are 60 minutes in each hour. We all only have so much time left in our lives. Some have a lot, some have less. The quantity remaining is the unknown factor. The bottom line is time is something we cannot take for granted. We must make the most of our time and live intentional lives if we want to one day be proud of how we spent our days. This is by no means saying you have to hustle or grind your whole life. You can and should take time to relax. You should craft a life you want to live. Do what you want to do. No matter how you want to spend your time, making sure you do what you want to do is done best by scheduling how you are going to use your time.

Parkinson’s Law states that work will expand to take the time you allot for it to take. If you have an assignment due at the end of the week, you can expect the assignment to take until the end of the week. If you are working on a project for work and have a month’s timeline, you can expect it may take the month to do it. Parkinson’s Law is what happens when we fail to schedule our time. Why spend all week with the essay hanging over your head if you could work 1 hour a day for 3 days and get it done 2 days early? Why work all month on the work project if you could get it done in 2 weeks and turn it in early? Scheduling your time forces you to get the work done. You find more time as you schedule your time because you do not waste the time you have.

Scheduling time is similar to the idea of setting time limits for yourself. With time limits you are seeing how much can be done in one block of time. Scheduling time is more expansive and covers your whole day. If you have a list of items you need to do over the next couple of days, map out what the hours of your day look like. When the clock strikes noon, you know you need to move on. When it hits 1 o’clock, you follow the same pattern. The stricter you are with your schedule, the more productive you will be with accomplishing what you want to accomplish.

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