Start With Motivation

July 9th, 2023

When given the choice between two options we naturally will be drawn to one over the other. We may not think we have a preference but we almost always do. When flipping a coin to decide, what we think about when the coin is in the air is the choice we want more. When looking to make any sort of change in our lives it is best to look for something we innately care about doing. We need to find something we want to do or that we have motivation to do. By starting with motivation, we have a natural boost in our initial efforts. We do not have to manufacture desire to pretend we want to do it, we already have fuel in our tank.

When we start with motivation it is important to use that motivation. We begin small and build a small habit. The initial stages will be fun since we are motivated. It will be fun to start and be consistent. The initial juice of motivation will help us find satisfaction in practicing our new venture. We will quickly form the habit and quickly improve. Motivation takes our mind from the planning process to the action level in the blink of an eye. As we continue to act we will realize the successive dominos that have fallen. We will be able to see how one action has led to the next success and how as we act, we continue to improve and continue to morph into the person we want to become. All of this started because we began by following motivation. Motivation was the first push, the first wind rustling in the trees, the first sign of Spring, and the first beginning.

Motivation is not an infinite source. It runs out. There are days where motivation will be nonexistent. Days where seemingly no motivation is able to be squeezed out to pull us into action. These specific days are why we began the process with motivation. We chose activities, goals, hobbies, or tasks we were internally motivated and drawn to do. This means we like acting and practicing them. We used the motivation to begin our journey and to build our habits. On days where motivation is nowhere to be found, we are still capable of acting because the joy of the action and the habit itself are already there. The action of the task has become part of who we are. On days without motivation, we can still find the will to act because of our deep desire for the specific task at hand. By starting with motivation, we no longer need motivation to continue. From full motivation to almost none, the action itself does not change, the work still gets done.


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