Subconscious Training

August 11th, 2023

The human mind is an incredible organ. Our minds give us the ability to speak, think, connect with others, and function on a human level. Without the level our minds raise us up to be, humans would not be humans. Without our minds, we would be no different than our primate cousins. The mind’s ability to think abstractly is a key differentiator in what makes us human. We do not only operate in the real world. Our thoughts go beyond fighting to survive, reproduce and interact with the world in front of us. We can reflect on the past, ponder about the future, and imagine any hypothetical situation we can dream of. Our ability to use our minds is what makes us who we are. When we master our minds, we can level up in the game of life.

Where the mind goes, the body will follow. If you tell yourself the cold weather outside does not bother you, you will feel the frigid discomfort leave your body. If you tell yourself you are not tired, your legs will keep moving, one after the other, until you finish the race. If you tell yourself you are not nervous, your breathing will calm and you will give the performance of a lifetime. Where the mind goes, the body will follow.

The will to be strong in the face of adversity comes from developing and training the voice inside of you. By training the inner voice, you are developing your personal identity on a conscious and subconscious level. It is the subconscious level that is most powerful. The subconscious level is your automatic response. It does not require active and conscious thought. If you can train your subconscious reactions you can change your identity.

Training your subconscious can be as easy as writing in a journal how you want to view yourself. If you write that you are someone who uses your time wisely and is an optimal performer, you may find yourself changing your habits to reflect this ideology. If you harbor angry and negative emotions frequently, your subconscious will pick up on these thoughts and your behavior and attitude will match them.

Whatever you tell yourself becomes rule of personal law if you tell yourself enough times. Repeat the personal mantra or change you want to implement enough times and your subconscious will react to do the work. It will become automatic and you will become the person you are telling yourself you already are. Train your mind. Master your mind. Use your mind to lead the rest of your life.


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