Support Systems

June 5th, 2023

Houses are supported by their foundations and the pillars within the walls. Ecosystems in the wild depend on the smallest of organisms, at the bottom of the food chain, to operate efficiently. A good team will go only as far as their weakest link. All throughout life there are countless scenarios where one being, or thing, must depend on another for the betterment of their life, or the betterment of the whole. Life is not meant to be experienced or conquered alone. Support systems exist to help bring us through the tough times. They exist to give us knowledge and wisdom for how to carry on. They exist so we can improve. Ultimately support systems exist so we do not need to do it alone. That “it” being life, is much more enjoyable when we utilize the close connections we have and do not push everyone away to become loners. Support systems build a strong foundation to a majestic structure. Your life becomes that majestic structure through the benefits of a strong foundation provided by a quality support system.

Support systems can take place in nearly any capacity and with any relationship. At their core, they are fundamentally made up of other people who genuinely care for your individual well-being and are willing to give their personal time and effort to support you. The easy, go-to, support system is parents. Your parents may not always be your best friends and you won’t always agree with them, but if they love you unconditionally, they are most likely in your corner and are dependable members of your support system. Not everyone has one parent they can turn to in times of turmoil, let alone both. If you do, count yourself as lucky and lean into their support.

Other easy areas to look for support are siblings, close friends, or significant others. These are generally people you can tell all your secrets to and expect honesty and fair judgment. They should be people who are not afraid to tell you the hard truth. They do not always agree with you because it is in the disagreement where their care for you shows. Appreciate these people because as we get older, our support systems generally get smaller. Relationships fade over time but the ones that last become nearly unbreakable.

The mentors, coaches, teachers, work colleagues and anyone else who have made a positive impact on your life may also become people who you include in your personal support systems. It does not matter the age gap, their profession, or how often you talk. What matters is their commitment and desire to improve your life. If it is apparent, they are prime candidates for you to have in your corner.

Support systems are constructed to help us get through life. Life is difficult and darkness will come. In times of need, it is important to utilize those in our corner who genuinely care and want to help. At the same time, support systems go both ways. We must be there for the people who were there for us. Life is too precious to battle alone. Cultivate support systems and conquer any darkness that comes.


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