Systems and Goals

December 26th, 2023

Systems and structure can be used to define how you use the time in your days. A calendar is the simplest and most typical form of this system. It tells you what you are doing and when you are doing it. People wrongly assume that systems are better than goals. People think that if they have their life structure in place, they can advance without goals. This is not a complete truth. Systems and goals are two parts of your life that should be married together, not absent of one another.

A life of only systems and structures is a life of routine. You know how your mornings start, you know the tasks that are on your mind and agenda. You know what each day expects of you and feel accomplished as you work through each item in your calendar. You accomplish a lot in your mind but at the same time, you are accomplishing very little. Maintaining the same systems and structures without a goal in mind means you are only repeating the same actions and processes again and again with no growth. You are stuck spinning your wheels trying to gain traction that will never come.

A life of only goals is a life of dreams. You know what you want to do. Your wants and desires change as you let your creativity wander. One day you want to become scuba certified, the next you want to found a non-profit. You have a lot of different ideas for how you should be spending your time and you have big ideas for what the future can hold for you. With only goals, you never know where to start. You never know how to use your time to chip away at the result you seek. You are stuck chasing a light that never comes closer.

The marriage of systems and goals is where the magic happens. When you have a goal in mind while you are creating the systems, your systems do not remain static. As you compound your time and work towards your goals, your systems should naturally adapt to fulfill the new needs. The systems you have in place on day one of pursuing your goals should look different than when you are 90 days into your process because of how they evolve. Your systems should grow with you as you inch closer to your goal. Having systems in your life helps you let you know how to spend your time. Having goals helps you find what calls you. Having both helps you realize your potential.

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