The Main Course

June 26th, 2023

"I am more fulfilled right now writing this to you in my garage than laying on the deck of a $50 million yacht being served fine cheese by my private staff. I don't write this to look humble. I am not. I write this to let you know if you build a life routine of discipline that you are not missing much than a few highs. The main course is your day to day." - Alex Becker

This is a profound statement. A man who seemingly can buy anything he desires says what fulfills him the most is his daily routine. His day-to-day. His main course. How can that be? He spent a vacation in Monaco on a Yacht! He experienced events and activities people dream of experiencing for themselves. The reason is these experiences were temporary. A mere couple of days over a lifetime. These were the “few highs” he was able to enjoy. What brought him to this point was his ability to envision, create, and perfect his main course.

Your days are not spent on vacation. If you are lucky you will get 2 weeks a year to spend in places you do not live, doing things you do not normally do. Vacation is abnormal. Vacation is not what creates fulfillment in your life. You can crave and enjoy vacations as much as you want, but if those 2 weeks are the best time of your year, the other 50 weeks are going to be spent waiting for vacation time to reappear. Vacation is not the main course, it is the side dish. Every day in between is what the focus of your life should be on.

Alex Becker goes on to say:

“There is no experience, moment, material item you can buy that will give you more fulfillment than a daily repetitive routine CHOCKED to the brim with things you love, creation and absent of poison/people that de-energize you.”

Care about your routine. Care about what you spend your time doing. Take time to craft a schedule that works for you. Take time to find things you love doing. Remove the noise. Remove what takes your energy and motivation away. Focus intensely on your main course. The main course is what the best restaurants are known for. You are known for how you spend your days. Repeatable instances. One after the other. Create and perfect this schedule and you will be able to live a fulfilled life.

How do you create your main course?


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