The Missing Piece

November 6th, 2023

Traversing through life you have a natural tendency to fall into a routine. What you do one day becomes what you do for the week, which then turns into what you do over the following months. Routine becomes easy and routine becomes the way you live life. But these routines aren’t always perfect, they aren’t always optimized and they aren’t always fulfilling in the way you need them to be. Sometimes your life and the routines you follow are missing something. Something you can’t quite figure out but something that you realize is keeping you from leading the exact life you want to live. You know there is a missing piece in your life.

Where the missing piece in your life is can be very apparent or it can be nearly invisible and require conscious and constant effort to find it. If you were an athlete your whole life following a practice and workout routine consistently, but your new routine in the adult world doesn’t have you following any sort of training plan, that may be the missing piece you need to plug into your life’s puzzle to set you back on the path to fulfillment. If you loved reading books as a child, on the bus, in the car, even opting to turn pages instead of watching television, but no longer take time for yourself where you read, this habit may be the missing piece you are searching for. If you grew up going to Church with your family but in your adult life you find yourself further than you have ever felt from your faith, making a return could be what you need to solve the mystery of the missing piece.

These are examples of more obvious missing pieces. Itches that you couldn’t quite scratch until you realized where to go. Once you realized, they immediately dissipate. But the missing piece to your life can span in any area. It can come from a lacking in any branch of the physical, mental, and spiritual worlds. The answer isn’t always obvious. The key isn’t always immediately found. In the pursuit of unlocking your life to be as fulfilling as possible, it takes constant trial and error and deliberate searching until you finally stumble upon the gateway to the realization of your life. The missing piece will gnaw at you until you finally put it into your life’s puzzle. Finding the missing piece is the key to finally living the life you want to live.

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