The Power of Yet

August 25th, 2023

Framing and the perception of how you view the world around you have instrumental impacts on the path your life takes. When you view things in absolutes, you will build habits where these absolutes become law in your life. If you say you can’t afford something, you will stay in this state. If you say you can’t do something, you will stay in this state. Using “can’t” is a self-imposed constraint that limits where your mind thinks your body and ability can go. If you let “can’t” constrict your life, you will always be stuck waiting for things to change while having very little ability to change things. Instead of “can’t” and living in the absolute, add “yet” and live in the world of potential.

Adding “yet” to self-limiting statements removes the cloud of self-doubt. By using “yet” you are vocally telling yourself that you are on a journey for growth. “Yet” opens yourself up to the endless potential and possibilities that emerge from a life of ongoing development. “Yet” is the mental bridge that links where you are now to where you want to be in the future. Without “yet” you are stuck looking across the body of water. You have no way across. With “yet,” there is no body of water that is uncrossable. You are able to explore any avenue and area you want to pursue. Do not think in absolutes. Think in the potential of what can, could, and will happen.

“I can’t speak Spanish.” At the present moment, maybe you cannot speak Spanish. Switch instead to say, “I can’t speak Spanish yet.” One word reveals a whole new meaning. You signal to yourself that you will take steps to begin this quest of learning a new language. You are not hidden behind the absolute world that “can’t” provides. You are living in the world of potential that “yet” opens up. You are on the path to learning.

“I can’t public speak.” In the present moment, maybe you are terrified to speak in front of groups of people. Living in the absolute of “can’t” will reinforce this fear in your mind. Say, “I can’t public speak yet,” and you are already on the path to conquering this fear. You remind yourself that your fear is not a permanent characteristic and you can take steps to overcoming it. With “yet” you are on the path to never being afraid of public speaking again.

These examples can be written to explain nearly any situation you find yourself in. It is the battle of living in the world of the absolute or the world of potential. It is a simple, and easy mental framework switch that will open you up to the wonders of “yet.” Quit telling yourself you “can’t” when the reality is you cannot “yet."

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